The Best Cowboy (Gets It Done)
Music & Lyrics by Saundra Peppers Cooper and James LaRitz
Performed by Kim Everett
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What Do I Do With That
Music & Lyrics by Saundra Peppers Cooper
Performed by Kim Everett
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The Secret-Fast Foward Here I Am
Music & Lyrics by Saundra Peppers Cooper
Performed by Kim Everett
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My Healing Cup
Music & Lyrics by Saundra Peppers Cooper
Performed by Jim Hawthorne
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He Is The One
Music & Lyrics by Saundra Peppers Cooper
Lead Vocals - Sandra Inglehart • Choir - South Bay Community Church • Violin - Scott Joss
All other instruments - Jim Hawthorne
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Tiny Spool of Thread
Music & Lyrics by Saundra Peppers Cooper
Performed by Jason Pitts
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